Thursday, June 26, 2008

blog namesake

For those who don't know, hello bonjour is a shout out to Michael Franti and Spearhead, whom we saw in concert last weekend at Britt Festival in Jacksonville.

I listen to Michael Franti when I have a case of the Mondays, even if it's not Monday.
He's one of those peace loving, barefoot, long dreadlocked hippies, but he's also so very inspirational and full of hope.

Peter and I went to a yoga conference in San Francisco last winter and he was the keynote speaker. It's funny how you are drawn to certain people or musicians and then you find them everywhere in your life - that's how Michael Franti is for me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am diseased, and it's sad.

Twice in one year, I have contracted hand, foot, and mouth disease. This annoying ass cold virus is more commonly associated with babies, but my adult body seems to just love it.

On Sunday I had horrible flu symptoms. I couldn't cut it in yoga class, and even though it was 85 degrees out or so I had chills. Peter and I decided to go on our friend's boat anyway, and I think I had a fever, but it was still nice to sunbathe with a fever. I just couldn't really move, but at least I got a tan.

When we got home I was achy all over, I seriously thought I had fibromyalgia, which was karmic since I have a running joke concerning crazy fibromyalgia people. And my throat was killing me!!

At work yesterday my throat still hurt, and I had little bumps on my tonsils, so I thought I had strep. Then I noticed a tiny bump on my thumb and I flash backed to last summer....when I first contracted this baby disease.

I snuck into an exam room to take off my shoes, and lo and behold, the tiny blisters on my feet. Damn it!

My doctor wasn't much help, but he did prescribe some "miracle mouthwash" for me which I will pick up soon at the pharmacy. It's a mixture of benadryl and lidocaine to numb up my blistered mouth so I can eat hamburgers and stuff.

But my baby disease will not stop me from camping this weekend; Peter will just have to carry me around since it now hurts to hobble on my blistered, baby feet.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

party at old military

School's out, Tiarra's parents were outta town, and summer is beginning, party time!!

There were dogs (6)....

children holding puppies;

peter was there,

and so was Andy!

We put on lip gloss,

and kissed goodnite

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I sickies. It's so dreary here lately. It was raining in So.Cal. last weekend. My mom exclaimed, "it's raining so hard!" amidst the light showers in Orange.

Me and my mama.

We did a new procedure today at work- my doctor surgically inserted implantable collamer lenses (or contact lenses) in 7 highly nearsighted patients. One of them passed out at his same day post-op visit and two more almost puked.

I'm really bad in those situations. The only pukey people I know how to take care of are drunk people, but I'm usually drunk as well so who knows if I really can take care of them. Maybe I just remember taking care of them.

When the guy passed out I ran around looking for help instead of helping the poor guy. I mean, he turned mustard yellow!! But he survived.

Bear has been Pascha and Sascha. He stayed with Grandma Wolf over Memorial Day wknd, and slept over with Uncle Max (the cat) for the first time. He came home with a fat lip; I think that Max kicked his ass.

Can't wait for the weekend, I think I will read in bed all the days long.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm kind of planning a wedding.

I've been engaged for 7 months now, but haven't set a date. I just went to a coworker's bachelorette party and she was engaged just a few weeks before me. She's getting married in a couple of weeks.

I've really tried to sort through all of the reasons why I wouldn't want to plan this joyous occasion - after all, this is what I've dreamed about since I was a little girl. There are myriad reasons, for which I will save for another story.

In any case I've decided that time is ticking and I probably should get married before my eggs stop dropping. So Peter and I went to look at a place this weekend.

It's called Applegate Valley Ranch and my first impression was that it was open and pretty and sort of country. The owners operate a bed and breakfast on the grounds but also host weddings. This is a view of the backdrop where the ceremony could be held.

And this is where the reception could be -under this large oak tree. It looks small in pictures but I think we could do a lot with it. There's dance floor the owner brings out and also a deck for the d.j.

So we'll see. No date for you to save yet.

Although I am not Miss Wedding Planner Extravaganza, driving to Applegate Valley made me all swooney over Southern Oregon all over again. As much as I miss my family, friends, beach and shopping in So. Cal., I moved here because Oregon's landscape made me fall head over heels. I never knew I could like nature so much.

Having a wedding here will be so beautiful, no matter where we have it.

To wash the wedding planning taste from my mouth we went on some friends' new boat on Sunday on Emigrant lake. It was so effing hot in Medford, like 102 degrees!

Peter wore his long sleeves to protect his porcelain skin.

The End.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

go go go

We saw Speed Racer last night, but totally forgot to do acid beforehand. Even without the acid the movie was a blast to watch in the theater.

Luckily, I heard a snippet of a story on Speed Racer on NPR in the morning, so I was more apt to watch the movie when Peter suggested it last night. I have a bad habit of labeling newer movies loosely based on comic books and cartoons as "stupid," especially when Peter wants to see them. But the NPR story gave me some historical context for the movie, so I felt like I was in the know.

The movie was fun, but packed with maybe one too many car races for me. I couldn't help but think about Nascar fans during the movie - there are a ton of them where I live and I don't know if I'll ever understand their passion for watching cars loop around the same track for hours. But the race tracks in this movie knocked Nascar out of the water, so even if you don't love Coors light and cars you will still be entertained.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Catch up

Yesterday was Turkaloo, today is Stuckey.